Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hilton Arts Festival

We enjoyed the Hilton Arts Festival for the first time this year. It has been running for the past 15 years at Hilton College. The grounds of this school make it a magnificent venue with the age old Cape Dutch architecture and sprawling lawns for people to roam and for the vendors to sell their bits and pieces. The Grahamstown festival is its mother but the greatest difference is that all South Africans do not get a chance to belong to its Arts and Culture. We saw a production put on by some American students that was so avant-garde we could not make head or tale of it - “Freedom and the sticky end of make believe.” If anybody saw this and they understood and could shed some light please let me know. It no doubt spoke truths into the Iraqi scenario and some truth into the ideals of freedom and institutional life, but the rest was above and beyond. Makes one think how complex a story ought to be? We in the Christian world are so used to parables that take an everyday occurrence to tell a story so that we can understand it. Although Jesus did claim that he used parables so that certain others would not understand? It is terrible to be the certain others.

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