Thursday, February 14, 2008

AA for Ex-Pentecostals!

An ex-pentecostal myself this proved to be an interesting visit. Not wanting to jump on anybodies theological toes but heck, didn't know such a thing existed.
clipped from
 blog it


Steve Hayes said...

Interesting, would you be willing to share your story?

David Barbour said...

Well Steve it goes like this... Once upon a time I was born into a staunch Methodist home. Later on in life I became restless and went with friends to the very first NCF church in Bryanston. Later left Church altogether, then later returned to Charismatic Church in Hatfield. Went into a Pentecostal mission for Addictions, then a youth paster in the A.O.G, then met an Anglican wife who led me astray and I returned to the FREEDOM of my home Church. I was very throttled by certain dogma and expectations were I was and the move was the best for me... The End.

Steve Hayes said...

Thanks David,

I was hoping you might be able to help me with a research project Notes from underground: Research: charismatic renewal movement in South Africa. It's proving very difficult to find Methodists willing to help -- I'm not sure why.