Friday, February 29, 2008

It's just a cap

A hat, its just a hat, a cap for that but so much more to some. On or off, off or on, that cap they wish would come. A young boy brave to church he comes a cap upon his head. Grateful our hearts should be, a young teenage boy to church he comes despite mocking from his peer. He stands to read his cap pulled low he calls us to our knees. They will not bow, they will not sing, they will not move - the cap is all they see. In higher judgment council meets the subject brought to dock. The cap must fall, the cap must fall, instead the sound of footsteps heard as cap walks out the door.


Jenny Hillebrand said...

Awesome. That is powerful. Could I use it in our church sometime? Or do you want to keep it?

David Barbour said...

You can use if you would like... it helped ease my frustrations to write my thoughts instead of just think them. It is based on a 'true' story!!

Anonymous said...


Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

time for us to wear caps to church in solidarity!