Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bill Bryson - Shakespeare & the Puritans

On the shelves of any book store you will find Bill Bryson's latest book - "Shakespeare." He has an uncanny knack of taking you to a time or place and making you part of the furniture. In this book you get a real sense of London from as early as 1565 and how these folk lived. The laws that dictated dress code for different classes, the baiting of bears and monkeys with rabid dogs for entertainment alongside theater such as "Romeo and Juliet." The worst of it is that (I forget the date) but the Puritans who were vehemently against such folly and the dressing up of young boys as girls etc. were responsible for closing all of these theaters one after the other. They were as bad as the plague in destroying the culture and life of the people. Christian's can be such kill joys.

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