Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Built on a Word

Our faith being rooted in the Judaic Christian Religion takes for itself the understanding that God reveals himself predominantly through the “Word.” In the beginning was the “Word.” The “Word” that is sharper than a two edged sword. I have always understood the “Word” to mean Jesus, his full message and not just his words. The complete act of God in the revelation of Jesus, his death, teaching, example, and resurrection as ‘all in all’ the “Word.” The truth of the matter is that in the Church there is a high prominence placed on the preaching of our faith as the central conveyor of God’s Word. Bonhoeffer stresses the humiliation of Jesus as the “Word” who associates himself voluntarily with the word of human kind. Although the preacher stands up with words that are certainly not adequate of God, God chose to speak through this weakness of humanity, this was the real incarnation, to be subject to weakness.

1 comment:

smkyqtzxtl said...

For those of us struggling with the weakness of humanity while those who talk about the Word cast glances aside, I appreciate your comments on this piece. I am also forwarding this on to another sojourner for encouragement. Happy 100th posting as well!