Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Christmas prayer

Lord Jesus Christ we have come this morning for all kinds of reasons, some nobler than others. But, regardless of why we are gathered, there is a deep sense that through the birth of this baby Jesus the world has been made a better place. We want to celebrate today that in the eyes of this child we have seen a great light, a light that matured into a message of hope for so many. Into the most humble of circumstances you approached us - to think that we might sacrifice our lives to one who was born and nursed in a place fit for animals. We celebrate today knowing that you came not for the cause of the powerful but for the hope of the lost and weary. You showed that power comes from another place, a more humble beginning. True influence in this world is to be found in the least expected places. The shepherds a bunch of unclean, illiterates were some of the first to hear the news of this event – it causes us to linger a little longer on the meaning and reason of Christmas. Thank you God, that we don’t find the answers to this life in the dressed up windows of the shopping mall. Thank you God that our peace and rest do not lie in the trappings of wealth. Neither are they to be found in the high places of government or religious institution. We give you thanks that you have undressed the illusions of this world and provided us with the truth of living through this “Son of life.” A Son whose birthday we mark in our calendars each and every year because his birthday was the day our true life began. Be patient with as we unwrap and unbundled this birthday gift today. We are often not quite sure how to handle such a valuable gift. We are not sure whether our surprise and our emotions justify the enormous grace with which this gift has been given. Forgive us when we mishandle this gift at Christmas time. We sometimes keep it wrapped up in glossy paper and ribbons because we are too fearful of the truth beneath. But, we remind ourselves today that you only bring gifts that ultimately bring life and life to the full in the end. Give us the strength and courage to open the gift of Christ in our lives. To allow the truths, principles, and measures of the entire universe become ours. We kneel before you with open gifts today, thank you for loving us to this extent, forgiving to this proportion, for knowing exactly what we have needed for our lives. Jesus the gift of all gifts from the giver of all givers - glory be to your name for ever and ever Amen.


Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

God bless you this Christmas my brother. And may 2008 be a time of hope. And of plenty of new challenges to spark further growth.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your reflecetions - thought I might add my own.

This is about thoughts of this time of year and what is it about?
Not the presents, not the hype, not the shopping, not the giving, but that which was given to us that received Him, that lives within us.
We cannot even begin to conceive the fullness of the precious Gift given for. So our thought turns to sharing time with Him. Are we doing so?
He is the one close to our dearest departed, family and friends that have gone before. They are rejoicing and singing Praises of Worship.
So let our thought wander to Him that is our all, our saviour and friend. Let Him be part of our living, our sharing our giving.
Without our thoughts for Him, about Him and His purpose our thoughts become meaningless.
So let Jesus be more that enough for us in our thoughts and our doing as we rejoice because, He first thought of us.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.